The Benefit of Studying at Eternity Bible College

I absolutely love my ministry at Eternity Bible College. I have the privilege of teaching students from all over the world. This has proven to be an immense blessing to me. I recently filmed a video talking about our “global classroom” and the benefit it offers our students. Here is a snippet from the transcript:…

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Should Christians Get Tattoos?

In the latest installment of Practical Theology, we chat about tattoos. Is it a sin to get a tattoo? Does Leviticus 19:28 forbid Christians from getting inked up? In the video below, I also touch briefly on the broader question of interpreting the Old Testament and its commands. How should we interpret Old Testament law…

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Why Should We Give Thanks?

Here is another installment of Practical Theology, an ongoing series of videos that addresses common questions and topics. Because it is Thanksgiving this week, we thought we would chat about what it means to give thanks. What are we really doing when we give thanks to God? What are we really doing when we fail…

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Another reason to love Eternity Bible College

I am blessed to be part of Eternity Bible College (EBC). It’s an incredible ministry in so many ways. Since the beginning, EBC has worked hard to provide in-depth biblical/theological education in a way that was financially accessible and debt-free. To this day, that is still very much our goal. It is, in fact, one…

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Is the Bible Sexist?

This is a question that comes up a lot. Some of Paul’s writings on gender relations, for example, cause a bit of consternation in folks. Take his letter to the Ephesians. There Paul uses the language of submission to describe a wife’s posture toward her husband. He says, for example, “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as…

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Can we trust the New Testament?

Below is a short video I made with my friend, Pastor Jayson John. This is part of a series of videos where we tackle various topics and answer common questions people have about the Bible and the Christian faith. In this video, I took a few moments to answer a question about the New Testament’s…

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Video Resource on the Study of Job

The story of Job is an intriguing one. It’s a story about a godly, kind man who encounters an immense amount of suffering. The evil inflicted upon Job takes him by surprise–a multi-layered blow to his soul. The pain that he experienced was, at the same time, physical, emotional, and spiritual. In this vein, Job’s…

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Check out Eternity Bible College

If you are not familiar with Eternity Bible College, take a few moments to watch the video below. I have been teaching with EBC for a number of years, and I absolutely love it. As a faculty, we are committed to equip students to fulfill their calling to advance the Kingdom of God. The mission…

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Near-Death Experiences: An Interview with Dr. Gary Habermas

This video is part of a larger project that my colleague, Dr. Alan Bandy, and I are working on. The aim behind these interviews is to compile research on various sub-topics that relate to the paranormal genre and supernatural experiences that people claim to have had. Our goal is to help folks understand these things…

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