What hath Costco to do with Biblical Studies?

On Monday, Feb 19, I hopped onto the Disciple Dojo livestream to chat a little bit about my book (see video below – the reference to Costco makes sense after watching). It was a lot of fun! If you aren’t familiar with this YouTube channel, definitely check it out (link here).

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The End of the World & Rapture Theology

Below is a recent interview I did at The Learning Laborers Podcast with Taylor and Denver about my new book, The End of the World As You Know It. Check it out below. Here’s the episode description, followed by a link to the conversation: Should our eschatology make us fearful or hopeful? Is there any…

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Release Day!

Today my new book, The End of the World As You Know It, officially releases into the wild. And I have some super cool news to go along with that… I just received word from my publisher, Lexham Press, that the book is already in its second printing (their first round has been depleted). I’m…

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An Interview About My New Book

Check out this interview I did with my publisher about my new book, The End of the World As You Know It. I share a little about why I wrote the book, what I hope readers take from it, as well as a few other things. Here’s a snippet: My hope for the book is…

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The Hebrew Bible: An Interview with Robert Alter

My interview with Robert Alter was just published. You can watch it on YouTube or listen via audio on the podcast (links below). Enjoy! Audio: The Bible (Unmuted) is available on Apple, Spotify, Google, Amazon — and wherever you get your podcasts) YouTube:

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New Interview on DiscipleDojo.

Here’s an interview I did with James-Michael Smith over at DiscipleDojo about my new book, The End of the World as You Know It (get your copy here). It was a stimulating conversation, and I enjoyed it very much.

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“De Futilitate”

If you get a chance, check out C.S. Lewis’ essay “De Futilitate” (in Christian Reflections). It’s a fun read. Here’s a snippet, which gives us a window into how Lewis understood faith, doubt, justice, and morality. “There is, to be sure, one glaringly obvious ground for denying that any moral purpose at all is operative…

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Celebrating Advent with Apocalyptic Eyes

The Advent season is about preparing our hearts for Christmas by reflecting on Jesus’ coming to the earth 2,000 years ago. (And it also involves anticipating what is to come in the future — awaiting the day when he returns again.) And as we reflect upon the coming of Jesus, we have to ask ourselves,…

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On Walking

I went for a walk the other day and came across a cross. One might chalk it up as happenstance. Perhaps the wind blew these two sticks until they eventually married one another on this random path at just the right time before I chanced upon them. Or maybe it was by design. Perhaps some…

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New SAET Article on Justification

Matthew Thomas recently published a new article on the doctrine of justification for the St. Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology. You can read it here. Thomas offers a well-rounded overview of all the important questions (and controversies) that have accompanied the doctrine through the years. I’m fascinated by the subject. It’s interesting to reflect upon not…

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