“How Preaching is Usually Taught in Seminary”

My Doktorvater, Thorsten Moritz, posted a fun video today. To say the least, he offers thoughts worth considering! Here is the video, followed by its description: The most widespread method taught in seminaries to move from Bible text/Jesus story to Sunday sermon is called principlizing. You gain an anemic principle with clickbait potential at the…

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What is interpretation?

Below is a great quote from Joel Weinsheimer, who reflects on the hermeneutic theory of the great German philosopher, Hans-Georg Gadamer. I did my PhD on Gadamer’s hermeneutics, and if you’re at all interested in the subject of interpretation, you’ll need to read his important work Truth and Method. In the meantime, enjoy this fun…

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Should Christians Get Tattoos?

In the latest installment of Practical Theology, we chat about tattoos. Is it a sin to get a tattoo? Does Leviticus 19:28 forbid Christians from getting inked up? In the video below, I also touch briefly on the broader question of interpreting the Old Testament and its commands. How should we interpret Old Testament law…

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John MacArthur on the Mark of the Beast

Currently, I am in the throes of writing a book on the end times. When it comes to this topic, the “mark of the beast” tends to get a lot of attention. In some corners, sadly, much of that attention is fueled by needless fear and anxiety. As I discuss below, I think a lot…

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Is the Bible Sexist?

This is a question that comes up a lot. Some of Paul’s writings on gender relations, for example, cause a bit of consternation in folks. Take his letter to the Ephesians. There Paul uses the language of submission to describe a wife’s posture toward her husband. He says, for example, “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as…

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Andrew Bartlett on the ‘Worst NT Translations Relating to Women’

If you get a few moments, I recommend you read through Andrew Bartlett’s 4-part series on the “Worst NT Translations Relating to Women.” Bartlett is the author of Men and Women in Christ: Fresh Light From The Biblical Texts. I haven’t read the book yet, but if his 4-part series on this subject is any…

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Can we trust the New Testament?

Below is a short video I made with my friend, Pastor Jayson John. This is part of a series of videos where we tackle various topics and answer common questions people have about the Bible and the Christian faith. In this video, I took a few moments to answer a question about the New Testament’s…

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