Andrew Bartlett on the ‘Worst NT Translations Relating to Women’

If you get a few moments, I recommend you read through Andrew Bartlett’s 4-part series on the “Worst NT Translations Relating to Women.” Bartlett is the author of Men and Women in Christ: Fresh Light From The Biblical Texts. I haven’t read the book yet, but if his 4-part series on this subject is any…

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Can we trust the New Testament?

Below is a short video I made with my friend, Pastor Jayson John. This is part of a series of videos where we tackle various topics and answer common questions people have about the Bible and the Christian faith. In this video, I took a few moments to answer a question about the New Testament’s…

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Video Resource on the Study of Job

The story of Job is an intriguing one. It’s a story about a godly, kind man who encounters an immense amount of suffering. The evil inflicted upon Job takes him by surprise–a multi-layered blow to his soul. The pain that he experienced was, at the same time, physical, emotional, and spiritual. In this vein, Job’s…

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Is it important to know the cultural background of the Bible?

The answer to this question is absolutely! But many Christians are hesitant to say so. Though the reasons vary, a lot of these folks are concerned that such thinking undermines the Bible’s authority. Some wonder, Why do I need to know the cultural background of the Bible in order to understand it? Can’t I just…

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The Gospel of Caesar?

Christians are familiar with terms like god, savior, and gospel. They are part of our liturgical lingo. We use them in every Sunday service to refer to the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth. But what Christians may not know is that these terms were part of the stock vocabulary of pagans living in…

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Exciting Course on New Testament Backgrounds

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a Christian in the first century? Do you want to take your understanding of the New Testament to a whole new level? If so, sign up for my 6-week, online class with Eternity Bible College. The fee is only $25/student (+textbook). If you are a…

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How To Read the Bible Faithfully: Three Things to Remember

The Bible is a fascinating book. Passed down through the ages, it remains a reliable guide for the church’s faith and practice. The Bible, though, is more than a guide. It is holy Scripture—that font of truth and wellspring of life, a source of nourishment for all. If the Bible is “holy Scripture,” and if…

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About that “Mark of the Beast”

Over at theLAB, I have written a follow-up piece to COVID-19 and The Mark of the Beast. In this new article, I offer reflections on the historical context surrounding “the beast” of Revelation, the number “666,” and a few other related items. One characteristic of many modern (popular) readings of Revelation is the tendency to…

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What Does Covid-19 Have to do with the “Mark of the Beast”?

I am thankful to the folks at The LAB (Logos Academic Blog) for sharing my post “COVID-19 and The Mark of the Beast.” With the host of rumors and odd theories floating around the internet (not least on social media platforms), many sincere Christians are becoming increasingly concerned that “the mark of the beast” is…

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Musing on Gregory and Plato

For all you philosophical-theological-Greek nerds out there, here’s something fun. As some have observed, Gregory of Nyssa’s On the Soul and the Resurrection is written in a way that mirrors Plato’s Phaedo.[1] A close reading of both show that this is correct. For example, Gregory utilizes the format so familiar to readers of Plato, namely, the dialogue. Gregory…

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