Off-The-Cuff Musings on Faith, Hope, Love, and Tacos

My Bible reading this morning took me to 1 Thessalonians, and I was struck by a few things Paul had to say. When he writes to the Thessalonian church, Paul begins by extolling them for their Christian virtues – that is, for their way of faith, hope, and love. He says, “We give thanks to…

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Tyndale Conference 2019

I am looking forward to the 2019 Tyndale Fellowship Conference in Cambridge, England. I will be presenting a paper in the Biblical Theology Study Group. The Study Group’s theme this year is “A Biblical Theology Perspective on Salvation.” Here are the details from the website: Soteriology is an exceptionally important aspect of Christian theology and…

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Theology Matters Because Love Matters

When it comes to your relationship with God, “head knowledge” is so important. The whole “just-love-God-with-your-heart” motif won’t work. After all, you can’t possibly love God with your heart without knowing something about God in your head. To attempt to do so is nothing short of insulting, unloving, and nonsense. Let me explain. Suppose that,…

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Want to Learn Greek?

I will be teaching a class beginning May 21. There are a couple of ways to participate–in person or remotely. For more information, check out the course information page at Trinityhaus.

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