Matthew Thomas recently published a new article on the doctrine of justification for the St. Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology. You can read it here. Thomas offers a well-rounded overview of all the important questions (and controversies) that have accompanied the doctrine through the years. I’m fascinated by the subject. It’s interesting to reflect upon not…
Tag: Faith
Science and Religion
Here is a conversation between Nick Spencer and Philip Ball on science and religion. Their discussion touches on a variety of topics: artificial intelligence, aliens, meaning, other minds, and even those aliens closer to home — namely, octopuses. Here’s the description, followed by the video: It’s a widely held view that science and religion are…
What does the Bible mean by “faith”?
Yesterday evening, I gave a talk at my church on the biblical idea of “faith.” These days, that word is often used in ways that are quite foreign to the Bible. In popular culture, for example, “faith” has become a synonym for “wishing” or “positive thinking.” Many Christians misunderstand it as well. In today’s church,…
Paul’s Use of Scripture in Romans, Part 2
The latest installment of The Naked Bible Podcast takes us back to Romans for a second time. In the following episode, Mike and I chat about how Paul employs the Abraham story in Romans 4. I discuss how Paul’s exegesis of Genesis and his christological assumptions work together to further his larger argument about justification.…
One Purpose of the Psalms
One purpose of the Psalms is to liberate us from the lie that says we, as people of faith, can never ask God the tough questions. The truth is that faith-filled prayer isn’t characterized by ignoring the reality of our pains, fears, questions, and doubts. On the contrary, true faith acknowledges them and pours them…
Money, Money, Money
I have been thinking a lot about money and it’s relationship to society in general and to Christians in particular. I’m not sure we think about (and question!) many of our assumptions about this relationship as much as we perhaps should. At any rate, here are a few quick thoughts… Our relationship to money often…
Do You Doubt God?
I have long considered Jeremiah 20 to be one of the most transparent passages in all of Scripture. It is a chapter that contains the heart and soul of the prophet’s true self. Having been physically beaten by the priest Pashur and subsequently jailed, Jeremiah utters a prayer to God that is full of doubt…
Alas, Discouragement
UPDATED: 5/19/21: A few years ago, a friend (and seasoned saint) came up to me and said that, during a hard season of depression, some in the church told her that mature Christians don’t struggle with things like that. “Christians,” they said, “don’t go through depression at all.” Sigh. Such statements are as dangerous as…
Off-The-Cuff Musings on Faith, Hope, Love, and Tacos
My Bible reading this morning took me to 1 Thessalonians, and I was struck by a few things Paul had to say. When he writes to the Thessalonian church, Paul begins by extolling them for their Christian virtues – that is, for their way of faith, hope, and love. He says, “We give thanks to…