Is it important to know the cultural background of the Bible?

The answer to this question is absolutely! But many Christians are hesitant to say so. Though the reasons vary, a lot of these folks are concerned that such thinking undermines the Bible’s authority. Some wonder, Why do I need to know the cultural background of the Bible in order to understand it? Can’t I just…

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Mission Work in Brazil

One of my students at Eternity Bible College, Nate Becker, is a missionary in São Paulo, Brazil. He and his wife, Jessica, are currently serving there, bringing the message of Jesus to everyone they encounter. Much of Nate and Jessica’s attention is focused upon serving the children living in the slums. These children live in…

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Check out Eternity Bible College

If you are not familiar with Eternity Bible College, take a few moments to watch the video below. I have been teaching with EBC for a number of years, and I absolutely love it. As a faculty, we are committed to equip students to fulfill their calling to advance the Kingdom of God. The mission…

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A King Worships Nero

The worship of Roman emperors is a well-documented fact that continues to capture the attention of scholars working in that field. I am fascinated by the subject, mainly because I’m currently in the throes of writing a book on Revelation, so it comes with the territory. At any rate, I thought I would make a…

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The Gospel of Caesar?

Christians are familiar with terms like god, savior, and gospel. They are part of our liturgical lingo. We use them in every Sunday service to refer to the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth. But what Christians may not know is that these terms were part of the stock vocabulary of pagans living in…

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Exciting Course on New Testament Backgrounds

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a Christian in the first century? Do you want to take your understanding of the New Testament to a whole new level? If so, sign up for my 6-week, online class with Eternity Bible College. The fee is only $25/student (+textbook). If you are a…

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“Before your face questions die away”

If you need a good book to read (not least in light of our curious times), I recommend C.S. Lewis’ Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold. It’s a risky little book on many fronts. Lewis offers a multi-layered invitation that, among other things, bids us to see the unseen, to embrace true love, and…

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How To Read the Bible Faithfully: Three Things to Remember

The Bible is a fascinating book. Passed down through the ages, it remains a reliable guide for the church’s faith and practice. The Bible, though, is more than a guide. It is holy Scripture—that font of truth and wellspring of life, a source of nourishment for all. If the Bible is “holy Scripture,” and if…

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A Message to the Oklahoma State House of Representatives

I was going through old blog posts, and I came across this one from a few years ago. In 2016, I was invited to be “chaplain of the week” for the Oklahoma State House of Representatives. It was a fun experience, and I pray folks were encouraged by what I had to say. Below is…

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About that “Mark of the Beast”

Over at theLAB, I have written a follow-up piece to COVID-19 and The Mark of the Beast. In this new article, I offer reflections on the historical context surrounding “the beast” of Revelation, the number “666,” and a few other related items. One characteristic of many modern (popular) readings of Revelation is the tendency to…

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