C. S. Lewis and Making Contact with Aliens

I have always been a fan of C. S. Lewis. His punchy lines and pensive reflections are something to be admired. My favorite book, by the way, is his Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold. It should be required reading, especially for those who have loved-ones (i.e., all of us). At any rate, I…

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A Conversation with Dr. Matthew J. Thomas

In this video, I chat with Matthew J. Thomas (DPhil, University of Oxford). His book Paul’s “Works of the Law” in the Perspective of Second-Century Reception has received high acclaim and continues to generate discussion among those working in Pauline studies. My conversation with Dr. Thomas centers around the doctrine of justification and how thinkers…

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Interview on the Mark of the Beast

I was recently invited by Neil Boron to come on his radio show to talk about the so-called “mark of the beast.” We talked about a range of things related to that topic–including the historical context of Revelation, as well as the various rumors floating around that the mark has something to do with Covid-19…

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Money, Money, Money

I have been thinking a lot about money and it’s relationship to society in general and to Christians in particular. I’m not sure we think about (and question!) many of our assumptions about this relationship as much as we perhaps should. At any rate, here are a few quick thoughts… Our relationship to money often…

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Video Resource: Isaiah, Part 3

Here is the third installment of my series on Isaiah. In the video below, I chat about an important feature within the book of Isaiah, namely, the Servant Songs. Enjoy!

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What is the Bible?

I have read many books in my life, and many of them have had a tremendous impact on me. But none of them compare with this fascinating collection of texts that we call “the Bible.” Many people from all walks of life have found within its pages comfort, peace, and wisdom. From “In the beginning”…

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Video Resource: Hermeneutics (a brief introduction)

This video offers a brief introduction to hermeneutics with special attention given to biblical hermeneutics. I talk about a host of things: What is hermeneutics? What causes misunderstandings of the Bible? How should we read the Bible? I pray this video is encouraging to you!

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Video Resource: Isaiah, Part 2

Below is part 2 of a series of videos I recorded on Isaiah. This video explores one of the major themes in the book of Isaiah. I pray it’s encouraging to you!

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Video Resource: Isaiah, Part 1

As part of my video series on Old Testament prophetic literature, below is an introduction to the prophet Isaiah. In this video, I introduce Isaiah’s life, ministry, and important themes. I also chat briefly about the importance of placing Old Testament prophets (like Isaiah) within the larger story of Israel. Enjoy!

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“How Preaching is Usually Taught in Seminary”

My Doktorvater, Thorsten Moritz, posted a fun video today. To say the least, he offers thoughts worth considering! Here is the video, followed by its description: The most widespread method taught in seminaries to move from Bible text/Jesus story to Sunday sermon is called principlizing. You gain an anemic principle with clickbait potential at the…

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